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Girl from Benicia naked
I'm open to new ideas, very comfortable with my sexuality and am not one to Shame others in any way. I'm a loving husband with a compulsion to fuck women I'm not married too discretion needed and given no judgement no ownership no drama. What you see in the pictures are the real me.. Gypsies sexey women. My Ideal Person is someone is spontaneous.
Body: Heavyset
Age: 49
Height: 5' 3"
Marital Status: Divorced
Name: Leejack75
Hair: Red
City: Benicia, California

Interested in women willing to submit and serve me.
I have a medium build. Star Wars.
My philosophy is nothing ventured nothing gained, but not into anything overly crazy either. As long as you both are easy going love to make friends in and out of the bedroom...someone that loves to laugh and can easily make me smile..
Body: Average
Age: 30
Height: 5' 7"
Marital Status: Married
Name: Maxadrum
Hair: Black
City: Benicia, California

Need to be on the same page of wants and likes and willing to Benicia naked play with my girlfriend some one we can have a crazy time in my cab. Who knows where it will lead.
Body: A few extra pounds
Age: 34
Height: 5' 2"
Marital Status: Married
Name: roasdiefenbach681
Hair: Blonde
City: Benicia, California

I just know I want something different. Now Im separated but still in touch with everyone and keep myself fit and healthy. My faith, family and friends are very important to me.....I would like to see a loving man by my side with relative soul, who will admire, love and understand me, will be my best lover and friend and partner in life.
If thats what gets you hard it does not get me wet move on. Interested in meeting discrete and drama free couple for friendship and fun times.
Hope to hear from you. Muntinlupa group sex.
Body: Average
Age: 25
Height: 5' 4"
Marital Status: No Strings Attached
Name: RobertsDodgion
Hair: Chestnut
City: Benicia, California

I'm bi 'interested in exploring sex with man/woman. I miss the butterflies from the anticipation.